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Is your shampoo for you?


A very very common question you will be asked while you are in my chair is:

"What shampoo and conditioner are you using?"

I've already posted about the difference between professional and store bought product, so don't worry, I'm not going there again.

The reason I ask this, is because its very common that people are not having the hair they want, because they are not using the proper products!

We will get into styling products another day, today is dedicated to your shampoo and conditioner.

Most of us have multiple things we want to treat in our hair. Its too frizzy, too dry, too damaged, lacks volume, or has too much volume.

You can definitely treat all of your problems, but will most likely need to have multiple products. It's rare that one product will fix all of life's problems.

I recommend having 2 types of shampoo/conditioner that you alternate with.

Some products for volume may be too drying

Some products for dryness might not be fixing the damage you have

There are smoothing products, moisturizing products, volumizing products, protein products, moisture for thick hair, moisture for thin hair...and on and on and on.

The BIGGEST thing i hear is "My hair is dry" and it is normally coming from someone whose hair is actually lacking protein (damaged)...not dry.

Wait, there's a difference?

Yes. Big time.

No wonder all of the moisturizing products are fixing anything!!!

My advice. Speak to/go see a knowledgeable hairstylist about your hair. We can recommend the types of products that will make your life a whole lot easier.

I myself alternate with a protein shampoo and conditioner, and a lightweight moisturizing one.

When looking for protein, which is whats normally needed when your hair is damaged, look for words like protein, fortifying, strengthening, chemically treated, keratin, repairing, damaged.


Moisture moisture moisture!!!! Sulfate fee everything. Silicone free everything. Moisture everything.

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