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Are they getting the best of you


Are you giving the best of yourself to everyone and everything you do? Do you set boundaries for yourself in order to do this without driving yourself crazy??

Not really lol.

This post is going to apply to a lot of things in life. Your family, your romantic relationships, your job, YOURSELF!

Now I'm no expert...I am definitely still working on all of these things don't go using this as evidence in court or anything.


This is me with t he right energy. I love my career!


Pay attention to how many hours you can work before you start getting frustrated or burnt out.

For myself, I notice that when I hit the 5-6 hour energy level drops like crazy. (This might have something to do with not taking the time to eat, but that's another story.)

What I have done to help with this problem is that I do not over work myself. I schedule a 6 hour day/2 full color and haircut services.

I have found that by doing this, I am able to give each of my guests my best work as well as have good, positive energy.

What if I work a 9-5 type job?

Well, what time do you find yourself getting burnt out? Maybe one hour before that time, take your 15 minute break. Go for a little walk, listen to a podcast, sit in your car, read a book, eat a snack. Whatever you find gets your mindset right and energy flowing.

Breaks are SOOOOO important and people overlook them because they dont want to stop in the middle of what they're doing. Well guess what? The work is always waiting for you when you get back! And the breaks are there for a will do better at your job and enjoy it more if you are happy.


Home life/family life:

This one is hard for me because as an entrepreneur, my work never ends. I'm constantly posting content, creating content, responding to content feedback, or finding SOMETHING that I could be doing. BUT you better believe I nag at my husband and give him great advice for how he can leave his work at work and give us his full attention at home.

My advice is that work never ends. You have to choose to take a break from it and restart the next day. Let your family know that you have to do some work, but also dedicate hours that are for family only with no phone, no distractions. If you set that expectation and "schedule them in" to your schedule, they will feel more important.

Lets face it, the whole reason we work is to provide a good life for our family....yet if we make work a priority, our family life isn't good.

Schedule dinner time together. Schedule a yearly vacation. Schedule days that you go to the park. Your family will look forward to those times.

When you turn work mode off, you will relax, and your family will get the best side of you.



Oh man, I thought I was failing at home/family...but this one takes the win.

I complain that I don't get undivided attention, yet am I being a good example and doing that for him?

Similar to family time, I think it's so important to schedule in "Love time". Go to bed an hour early so you guys can watch a movie alone together or read a book together. Have a set date night every week. Have a yearly vacation for JUST THE TWO OF YOU.

Make sure you are putting work/cleaning/homework aside so that you can relax and give your spouse the best parts of you.

Sounds easier than it is...but "Anything worth it wont be easy, anything easy won't be worth it."



Last but most important. You have to find the things that bring you joy, help you relax. These are the things you will incorporate into our daily lives in order to enjoy our lunch breaks and alone time.

Alone time? Yup....gotta make time for that too. Even if it isn't daily, it could be once a week or once a month. I enjoy taking baths, going out to dinner/drinks with friends, going shopping, and sometimes just sitting in my room on my bed adding random things to my shopping cart that I will never buy.

Who cares, as long as you are taking the time to relax yourself and make yourself happy.

If YOU are happy, your relationships with your clients, co-workers, spouse, kids, etc. will thrive.


Now how do we do this? I don't have time.....

We all have 24 hours in a day. It's about making each moment count.

I believe in time blocking/time management. It seems so "scheduled" but it really helps you see where you can fit everyone (and yourself) into your life.

I'll write another post in the future on how I do my time management.

Until then, care about yourself people! Figure out what works FOR YOU!


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